October 3, 2019

Create a large pumpkin out of cardboard, or make one out of construction paper and pin it to a bulletin board. Paint or glue eyes and a mouth on the jack-o-lantern, leaving the area where the nose should be empty. Cut out several yellow triangles, writing the person’s name on the front and placing a small piece of double-sided tape on the back. Blindfold people and have them attempt to pin the nose where it belongs.
If you have some old clothing lying around the house, this is a fun game. Divide up into small teams and give all teams some clothes for their scarecrow. Jeans or overalls, flannel shirts, boots, gloves, and a straw hat are typical, though you can use whatever you have on hand. One person on the team is the scarecrow and has to stand still while the others of the team put the clothes on. The first team to complete a scarecrow is the winner!
For this one, you will again want to get into small teams and have one person volunteer to be the mummy (preferably a person who was not the scarecrow if you play both games). Give each team a roll of toilet paper, and have them wrap their mummy with it (you can also use rolls of streamers in Halloween colors if you would prefer). The first team to finish wins!