April 30, 2021

Angela A. is our resident highlight this month! Angela is originally from Boone County, Kentucky. When she was 12 years old, she moved to sunny Palm Springs, California with her parents and her sister Kathy. Although she loved California she eventually moved back to Kentucky where she raised her family. Angela adores her two children, Danielle and Josh. She also has five grandchildren, Kayden, Jayden, Nova, Lauren and Brooklin! She really enjoys getting to see her grandkids and loves that she has such a big family! Growing up Angela loved going to the beach and shopping. She has worked in the hospitality industry for years as a Bartender, at a Catering Company and at a Resort in California. Her favorite part about being in the hospitality industry was getting to meet new people all the time from around the country/world.
Angela has been with us since January 2020. She has made so much progress and is excited that she is almost strong enough to return home. She keeps pushing to reach her final goals! She attributes her success to the wonderful staff who has continued to help meet her needs and encourage her to get stronger! Therapy has been such a positive experience for her, and she cannot thank the therapy department enough for their dedication to her care. Thank you for letting us get to know you a little more Angela!