July 5, 2020
Hello Everyone!!! I’m so glad to be back at the facility. I missed seeing all your faces every day! I know times have been extremely difficult and we have been making the best out of it, but this too shall pass. During this period, we still can’t have visitors. We are still unsure when that will change, but the minute we know something we will be sure to inform everyone immediately. This is a difficult time, but I am here for you all and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask. We will get through this.
COVID-19 Update
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic we are still under restrictions and cannot allow any visitors. However, with advances in technology we can now setup a time to do a Facetime call or Zoom meeting. We are still able to do window visits as well. If you are interested in doing this, please call in and ask for social services and they can set this up for you.